Serenity Counseling & Resource Center, Inc. accepts most insurance plans. Outpatient services may be covered in whole or in part by your health insurance carrier. While Serenity Counseling & Resources Center, Inc. is not in-network with all insurance carriers, we will contact your insurance carrier for you to determine out-of-network benefits coverage.

Make a Payment

Serenity Counseling & Resource Center, Inc. uses a secure payment system, PayPal, to process payments for individuals who self-pay for services, individuals whose insurance carrier requires a co-pay for covered services, and individuals paying for consulting services and training. Serenity Counseling & Resource, Inc., only accept the United States of America’s currency dollars for payments which can be submitted via the payment method below. 

To make a payment for your service, please click the designated link below to complete the payment process for your service.

SERVICE AGREEMENT/PAYMENT POLICY: Please call the office to obtain information about the required payment/fee for a specific service(s). All services must be agreed upon prior to the submission of a payment.  Submission of payment prior to completion of an agreement for service with Serenity Counseling & Resource Center, Inc. may result in denial of service and return of the payment. Serenity Counseling & Resource Center, Inc. reserves the right to refuse to provide service(s).

CANCELLATION/MISSED APPOINTMENT/RESCHEDULE POLICY: In the event you cancel an appointment, meeting, consultation, etc.. the payment you submitted is non-refundable. In the event you miss a scheduled appointment, meeting, consultation, etc., the payment you submitted is non-refundable. If you request to reschedule, after the appointment has been scheduled and confirmed via email, you will be required to make the same payment again to schedule another appointment. At the agency’s discretion, the appointment/meeting, consultation, etc.,  may or may not be rescheduled. Thank you.